Solo(ish): Insights on Networking & Personal Branding
Build your VCP (Visibility, Credibility, Profitability) on Zoom
It's been eight+ months since we started doing our weekly referral networking meetings over Zoom. For some, it's comfortable and natural. For others, we're either still finding our way or getting pretty tired of doing this virtually.

It’s been eight+ months since we started doing our weekly referral networking meetings over Zoom. For some, it’s comfortable and natural. For others, we’re either still finding our way or getting pretty tired of doing this virtually.

Episode 677 of the BNI Podcast is all about how to be seen, what to say, and what not to do, to build VCP (Visibility, Credibility, Profitability) on Zoom.

How to Be Seen

When you’re at a BNI meeting on Zoom, it’s especially important to make the most of the space you have:

  • Bring your energy.
  • Keep your hand gestures on camera.
  • Dress professionally with a professional background.
  • Make sure Zoom shows your full name and company name.

What to Say

  • Keep your message concise. Be specific to be terrific.
  • Use success stories.
  • Don’t re-tell a story: re-live it.

What Not to Do

  • Don’t turn off your camera or step away from it unless there’s an emergency.
  • If you’re wearing shorts or sweatpants, don’t let people see them.
  • Don’t talk on the phone or to other people in your house, even if you are muted.
  • Don’t rely on technology, especially pre-recorded videos. 
  • Don’t talk without getting your audience involved. Ask your co-host for help with polls, reactions, and chat.

Bonus Round: 

  • PlanPrepare and Practice to deliver a Presentation with Power and Passion, so you create profound Profitability.
  • Remember that the offline rules still apply online.

You can listen to this BNI Podcast in its entirety for more insights or read the transcript by clicking this link.

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