Your Brand Needs a Purpose

Your Brand Needs a Purpose

Mission, vision, values, and positioning statements are the most widely recognized strategic tools used to define a company’s business, strategic objectives, and overall approach to reach those objectives. Another less frequently recognized strategic statement...
The Fortune is in the Follow Up

The Fortune is in the Follow Up

Following up with clients and prospects is one of the most important actions a business owner can take. It’s an essential step in the business relationship-building process that will bring you incredible results once mastered. Just following up with a...
Brand Marketing in a time of COVID-19

Brand Marketing in a time of COVID-19

For all my urging that content marketing and (un)newsletters are the best way to demonstrate brand marketing leadership, I haven’t done any myself since April. There are two reasons for this four-month break: It just didn’t feel right to send marketing...
We’re all working from home now.

We’re all working from home now.

In the early ’90s, when I started my career, there was the occasional need to work from home. Sometimes it was to continue working on a project from my day job, while other times, I had a freelance project of my own. But because it wasn’t frequent enough, I wasn’t...
How To Name Your Brand

How To Name Your Brand

To remind us that names have only as much power as we give them, Juliet in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, says (and I’m paraphrasing) “would not a rose by any other name, smell just as sweet”?  Um, no. Shakespeare obviously didn’t have...